
  • Uruk Hai Berserker Sword
    카테고리 없음 2020. 1. 23. 18:50
    Uruk Hai Berserker Sword Berserker

    The Uruk-hai, sometimes called Black Uruks, were the most feared and formidable race of humanoids that lived in Middle-earth during the Third Age. The Isengard Uruks were a different breed of Uruk-hai that were created by Saruman the White with some form of alchemy that he learned from Sauron.

    Here is what we know about Azog. Sourced from LOTR rather then the hobbit. He barely gets mentioned in the hobbit.Coming late and fresh to the field the mailed warriors of Nain, Gror's son, drove through the Orcs to the threshold of Moria, crying 'Azog!, Azog! As they hewed down with their mattocks all who stood in their way. Then Nain stood before the Gate and cried with a great voice: 'Azog! If you are in come out! Or is the play in the valley too rough?'

    .Thereupon Azog came forth, and he was a great Orc with a huge iron-clad head, and yet agile and strong. With him came many like him, the fighters of his guard, and as they engaged Nain's company he turned to Nain, and said: 'What yet another beggar at my doors? Must I brand you too?' With that he rushed at Nain and they fought. But Nain was half blind with rage, and also very weary with battle, whereas Azog was fresh and fell and full of guile. Soon Nain made a great stroke with all his strength that remained, Azog darted aside and kicked Nain's leg, so the mattock splintered on the stone where he had stood, but Nain stumbled forward. Then Azog with a swift swing hewed his neck.

    His Mail-collar withstood the edge, but so heavy was the blow that Nain's neck broken and he fell.Then Azog laughed, and he lifted up his head to let forth a great yell of triumph; but the cry died in his throat. For he saw that all his host in the valley was in rout, and the dwarves went this way and that slaying as they would, and those that would escape from them were flying south, shrieking as they ran. And hard by all the soldiers of his guard lay dead.

    He turned and fled back towards the gate. Up the steps after him leaped a Dwarf with a red axe. It was Dain Ironfoot, Nain's son. Right before the doors he caught Azog, and there he slew him, and hewed of his head. That was a great feat, for Dain was then only a stripling in the reckoning of the dwarves.@Crom-Cruach said:Based on LOTR lore, Azog would beat the crap out of Lurtz.Is that because Lutz does not exist according to LOTR lore.

    Azog in the hobbit movie is one of the main antagonist, while Lurtz was a fairly important minor character. Azog was the leader of the Orcs in the north, while Lurtz seems to be the leader of Sarumans raiding party. Physically I think Azog is taller, it been years since I watched the Lurtz fight, but because Azog is a more important character I would probably give him the win but they probably are fairly similar on the battle field.Also, according to movie lore, Lurtz is a very young Orc, so would not of had much fighting experience.

    On the other hand Azog has been alive for at least hundreds of years so would be more experienced and battle hardened. Loading Video.Azog will rape Lurtz, he could well be hundreds of years old and far more experienced than Aragon, He is bigger than lurtz and he sends dwarves flying with his mace. Lurtz while impressive is not much stronger than AragonThat's speculation.

    Sending Dwarves flying, okay. Uruk'sDwarves, MenDwarves. Lurtz physically overpowered Aragorn multiple times in their fight.DwarvesMen, DwarvesOrcs in strength, the creator of Dwarves Aule created them to be stronger and more durable then other races to ressist and fight Morgoth. @Crom-Cruach said:@Xanni15 said:MenDwarves.This is just false, Dwarves are tougher and equally at least as strong as men int LOTR. And despite what the movie shows you (given Aragorn got more screen time), Gimli and Thorin slew more enemies then Aragorn ever did.If we're using them at the height of their strength, it sure is true. Dwarves aren't beating Aragorn or Borormir, he'll they're not even putting up a fight.

    Lurtz overpowered Aragorn. We saw Gimli struggle with Uruk's a few times, we also saw random Dwarves getting slaughtered in that clip above. As far as who slew more enemies, what's your point? If I step on 100 ants does that make me a badass, as opposed to someone who kills a fully grown lion?Aragon's skillAnything any Dwarf has shown.@AmazingScrewOnHead said:@Xanni15: Hahaha, dwarves are far stronger and durable than men, you didnt see lurtz send anyone flying, he only seemed slightly above a peak human like Aragon, Azog is not far off a troll i would say in terms of strength. Lurtz is pretty badass but without his bow and sheild hes in trouble here.More durable?

    When has a Dwarf taken three arrows to the chest and still be able to fight against Uruk's? He was bullying Aragorn around, throwing his shield with so much power it got stuck in the tree. His durability exceeds anything Azog showed.

    Azog just seemed to have an intimidation factor going, that he killed kin of Thorin, and that he was a much bigger goblin(right?). Uruk'sGoblins and Orcs.Lurtz had his forearm cut off and was stabbed in the shin and chest but still wouldn't give up. Azog freaked out when his hand was cut off.@BigCimmerian said:@Xanni15 said:@AmazingScrewOnHead said:@Xanni15. Loading Video.Azog will rape Lurtz, he could well be hundreds of years old and far more experienced than Aragon, He is bigger than lurtz and he sends dwarves flying with his mace. Lurtz while impressive is not much stronger than AragonThat's speculation.

    Sending Dwarves flying, okay. Uruk'sDwarves, MenDwarves. Lurtz physically overpowered Aragorn multiple times in their fight.DwarvesMen, DwarvesOrcs in strength, the creator of Dwarves Aule created them to be stronger and more durable then other races to ressist and fight Morgoth.When has their durability been shown? I don't know every single line from the books but what has stuck with me the most is Boromir being littered with arrows and still taking out a bunch of enemies.@BigCimmerian said:@Xanni15 said:@AmazingScrewOnHead said:Azog stomps, Hes stronger,smarter, and more experienced than LurtzAragorn was way more experienced and smarter than both of them combined and still had trouble with Lurtz. Lurtz also has the durability edge since he didn't run away when he was injured, nor was he defeated by a freaking log.As for stronger, based off what?I doubt Aragorn is more experienced then Azog, Azog is much older then him.Older people are always more experienced? Aragorn's been traveling all over Middle-Earth his entire life, being trained by the Elves and Rangers.

    Uruk Hai Weapons

    Traveling all over Middle-Earthsitting in a cave. @Xanni15 said:@Crom-Cruach said:@Xanni15 said:MenDwarves.This is just false, Dwarves are tougher and equally at least as strong as men int LOTR.

    And despite what the movie shows you (given Aragorn got more screen time), Gimli and Thorin slew more enemies then Aragorn ever did.If we're using them at the height of their strength, it sure is true. Dwarves aren't beating Aragorn or Borormir, he'll they're not even putting up a fight. Lurtz overpowered Aragorn. We saw Gimli struggle with Uruk's a few times, we also saw random Dwarves getting slaughtered in that clip above. As far as who slew more enemies, what's your point? If I step on 100 ants does that make me a badass, as opposed to someone who kills a fully grown lion?Aragon's skillAnything any Dwarf has shown.@AmazingScrewOnHead said:@Xanni15: Hahaha, dwarves are far stronger and durable than men, you didnt see lurtz send anyone flying, he only seemed slightly above a peak human like Aragon, Azog is not far off a troll i would say in terms of strength.

    Uruk Hai Berserker Sword Lyrics

    Lurtz is pretty badass but without his bow and sheild hes in trouble here.More durable? When has a Dwarf taken three arrows to the chest and still be able to fight against Uruk's? He was bullying Aragorn around, throwing his shield with so much power it got stuck in the tree. His durability exceeds anything Azog showed. Azog just seemed to have an intimidation factor going, that he killed kin of Thorin, and that he was a much bigger goblin(right?). Uruk'sGoblins and Orcs.Lurtz had his forearm cut off and was stabbed in the shin and chest but still wouldn't give up. Azog freaked out when his hand was cut off.@BigCimmerian said:@Xanni15 said:@AmazingScrewOnHead said:@Xanni15.

    Loading Video.Azog will rape Lurtz, he could well be hundreds of years old and far more experienced than Aragon, He is bigger than lurtz and he sends dwarves flying with his mace. Lurtz while impressive is not much stronger than AragonThat's speculation. Sending Dwarves flying, okay. Uruk'sDwarves, MenDwarves. Lurtz physically overpowered Aragorn multiple times in their fight.DwarvesMen, DwarvesOrcs in strength, the creator of Dwarves Aule created them to be stronger and more durable then other races to ressist and fight Morgoth.When has their durability been shown? I don't know every single line from the books but what has stuck with me the most is Boromir being littered with arrows and still taking out a bunch of enemies.@BigCimmerian said:@Xanni15 said:@AmazingScrewOnHead said:Azog stomps, Hes stronger,smarter, and more experienced than LurtzAragorn was way more experienced and smarter than both of them combined and still had trouble with Lurtz.

    Lurtz also has the durability edge since he didn't run away when he was injured, nor was he defeated by a freaking log.As for stronger, based off what?I doubt Aragorn is more experienced then Azog, Azog is much older then him.Older people are always more experienced? Aragorn's been traveling all over Middle-Earth his entire life, being trained by the Elves and Rangers. Traveling all over Middle-Earthsitting in a cave.We're going nowhere:) You will support your opinion, and I will mine.

    Tolkien himself wrote that Dwarves are meant to be stronger and more durable than other races. Azog was described as giant Gundabad Orc, so he is no goblin, you can also see that he is much taller and bigger then the rest of the Orcs, if you don't want to compare him with Dwarves. Also LOTR wikipedia says that Azog is 7'0 feet tall. One hit with his mace and Lurtz is history. @BigCimmerian said:We're going nowhere:) You will support your opinion, and I will mine. Tolkien himself wrote that Dwarves are meant to be stronger and more durable than other races.

    Azog was described as giant Gundabad Orc, so he is no goblin, you can also see that he is much taller and bigger then the rest of the Orcs, if you don't want to compare him with Dwarves. Also LOTR wikipedia says that Azog is 7'0 feet tall. One hit with his mace and Lurtz is history.I disagree, I believe we're making progress and I encourage you to stick with it.:Let's examine. First if I give you that the Dwarves are stronger and more durable, would you admit that those two attributes didn't help Thorin against Azog, except when he cut off his hand? Azog being bigger and stronger than other Orcs (my mistake) also didn't help him against Thorin, nor did his height. Going by the clip that was posted, Azog's fighting strategy seemed to be to wildly swing his mace and hope he connected, and the times it did it couldn't bust/break through a log, or as is it is described in the clip a an 'open branch.'

    So I would question why you think Lurtz would just stick there and get hit? He's got more than enough durability and stamina to outlast Azog, is used to fighting opponents bigger than Dwarves, and showed to have been more aggressive. Lastly, the OP stats that both have a sword and a knife, no mace for Azog so I guess that makes both sides of the argument regarding that weapon moot. @Xanni15 said:@BigCimmerian said:We're going nowhere:) You will support your opinion, and I will mine. Tolkien himself wrote that Dwarves are meant to be stronger and more durable than other races. Azog was described as giant Gundabad Orc, so he is no goblin, you can also see that he is much taller and bigger then the rest of the Orcs, if you don't want to compare him with Dwarves.

    Also LOTR wikipedia says that Azog is 7'0 feet tall. One hit with his mace and Lurtz is history.I disagree, I believe we're making progress and I encourage you to stick with it.:Let's examine. First if I give you that the Dwarves are stronger and more durable, would you admit that those two attributes didn't help Thorin against Azog, except when he cut off his hand?

    Azog being bigger and stronger than other Orcs (my mistake) also didn't help him against Thorin, nor did his height. Going by the clip that was posted, Azog's fighting strategy seemed to be to wildly swing his mace and hope he connected, and the times it did it couldn't bust/break through a log, or as is it is described in the clip a an 'open branch.' So I would question why you think Lurtz would just stick there and get hit?

    He's got more than enough durability and stamina to outlast Azog, is used to fighting opponents bigger than Dwarves, and showed to have been more aggressive. Lastly, the OP stats that both have a sword and a knife, no mace for Azog so I guess that makes both sides of the argument regarding that weapon moot.I changed my mind about Azog being more skilled than Aragorn, you are right about his fighting style, he mostly just uses brute strength and hopes he will hit his target. Strength and durability didn't help Thorin, because of Azog's size, DwarvesOrcs in general, but you have individuals like Azog and Uruk-Hais who are much stronger than ussual Orcs and Dwarves. As for the fact that both of them have swords, maybe Lurtz has advantage here, because he is probably faster since he was holding his own against Aragorn when Aragorn went full offensive. I'll have to think about this more lol. @AmazingScrewOnHead: Even if dwarves are a bit stronger humans are quicker more agile and most importantly taller so they will always win a 1 on 1 fight against a dwarf.Azog killed a couple of dwarves and then got completely owned by Thorin not very impresive.When Azog lost his hand he ran away when Lurtz lost his hand he didnt even shrug.Look at how Lurtz threw that shield he could easily decapitate Azog with that throw.Also Lurtz is more skilled than Azog.Lurtz was able to hold his own against Aragorn.AragornThorin.

    @TheTmac said:@BigCimmerian: Yes and that was his only feat worth mentioning in the entire movie.Lurtz killed Boromir.Lurt got his arm cut off and he didnt even shrug.Lurtz almost killed Aragorn.shows much more skill with a bow,sword and even h2h than Azog.Just look at how Lurtz threw that shield.He could easily decapitate Azog with that throw.What Lurtz does in this video is far more impresive that killing a couple dwarves.You can't just say he has problems with dwarves when he can killed 3 dwarf with one hit. Lurtz killed Boromir with the bow, weapon that isn't in this fight. Anybody could kill Boromir from distance if he has decent accuracy with bow. Lurtz almost killed Aragorn when he used his shield, weapon he doesn't have here. @AmazingScrewOnHead said:@Xanni15: It was a thick oaken branch supported by Thorins arm and he did crack it.Exactly. @BigCimmerian said:@Xanni15 said:@BigCimmerian said:We're going nowhere:) You will support your opinion, and I will mine.

    Tolkien himself wrote that Dwarves are meant to be stronger and more durable than other races. Azog was described as giant Gundabad Orc, so he is no goblin, you can also see that he is much taller and bigger then the rest of the Orcs, if you don't want to compare him with Dwarves. Also LOTR wikipedia says that Azog is 7'0 feet tall. One hit with his mace and Lurtz is history.I disagree, I believe we're making progress and I encourage you to stick with it.:Let's examine. First if I give you that the Dwarves are stronger and more durable, would you admit that those two attributes didn't help Thorin against Azog, except when he cut off his hand?

    Azog being bigger and stronger than other Orcs (my mistake) also didn't help him against Thorin, nor did his height. Going by the clip that was posted, Azog's fighting strategy seemed to be to wildly swing his mace and hope he connected, and the times it did it couldn't bust/break through a log, or as is it is described in the clip a an 'open branch.' So I would question why you think Lurtz would just stick there and get hit? He's got more than enough durability and stamina to outlast Azog, is used to fighting opponents bigger than Dwarves, and showed to have been more aggressive. Lastly, the OP stats that both have a sword and a knife, no mace for Azog so I guess that makes both sides of the argument regarding that weapon moot.I changed my mind about Azog being more skilled than Aragorn, you are right about his fighting style, he mostly just uses brute strength and hopes he will hit his target. Strength and durability didn't help Thorin, because of Azog's size, DwarvesOrcs in general, but you have individuals like Azog and Uruk-Hais who are much stronger than ussual Orcs and Dwarves. As for the fact that both of them have swords, maybe Lurtz has advantage here, because he is probably faster since he was holding his own against Aragorn when Aragorn went full offensive.

    I'll have to think about this more lol.Agreed about DwarvesOrcs, and yes Azog and Lurtz are certainly more skilled than their fellow Orcs/Uruks.I look forward to your thoughts.:. From the guide to Tolkien page 5, dwarves were to appear after elves and before men:'Therefore Aule made dwarves stout and strong, unaffected by cold and fire, and sturdier then the races that followed. Aule knew of the evil of Melkor, so he made the dwarves stubborn, indomitable, and persistent in labor and hardship. They were brave in battle and their pride and will could not be broken'Anyone who says men are stronger and tougher then dwarfs is wrong by LOTR lore. The only reason Boromir and Aragorn got better fight demonstrations in the movies is because they were given more of a spotlight to sell the movie. In the books Gimli, Legolas and Thorin had far better demonstrations of warrior skill and power in the individual books where they appeared then Aragorn did, especially if you start looking into Unfinished tales for Thorin. Aragorn shone because of his leadership and moral center.

    When the battle of Helms Deep raged Gimli and Legolas were having a contest slaying orcs left and right. Gimli nearly soloed a cavern of orcs by himself.The movie did not accurately portray the prowess of Gimli because it focused so much more on Aragorn and making him look like badass then it did in the book. Legolas was also far overblown.

    Uruk Hai Berserker Sword
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